Smart Talk Wednesday: Opening schools, the debate continues

It has become apparent that there are many questions about reopening schools this fall. While the number of COVID-19 cases increase in some parts of the country and even some places in Pennsylvania, how students will be educated in a safe environment is of major concern for parents, teachers and administrators.

Pennsylvania’s 500 public school districts are devising plans that include in-person classroom instruction, classes on-line, or a hybrid of the two. Schools are planning social distancing for students and students wearing masks. They’re also considering holding in-person classes only two days a week. Buses, cafeterias, gym classes and recess are all challenges for schools.

Appearing on Wednesday’s Smart Talk to discuss how schools may reopen are John Callahan, Chief Advocacy Officer with the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, Rich Askey, President of the Pennsylvania State Education Association, Damaris Rau, Ph.D., School District of Lancaster Superintendent, and Adrian Allan, Head of School, Harrisburg Academy.