Smart Talk Tuesday; Pediatricians and school nurses weigh-in on reopening schools

The American Academy of Pediatrics advocate for a return to in-school classes but warn that re-opening schools must be done safely and based on solid health guidelines, not on politics.

It is not surprising that kids perform best when they are in school learning, but they also benefit in other ways.

Children learn social and emotional skills at school and take advantage of healthy meals and personal health support. Access to teachers and adult advocates also plays a role in keeping kids safe from abuse, as evidenced by the significant drop in abuse reports the past five months.

As important as in-school learning is to kids, there are additional health issues that medical professionals say must be evaluated before opening schools.

Joining Smart Talk to explore these topics, as well as the safe return to school are Dr. William Keough, MD, Pediatric physician and Member of the Pennsylvania Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics and Co-chair of the Chapter’s Advocacy Committee and Lori Kelley, RN, President, Pennsylvania Association of School Nurses and Practitioners.