Wolf rejects GOP Congressional map

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Congressional map submitted by legislative Republicans that was rejected by Gov. Wolf Tuesday

What to look for on Smart Talk Wednesday, February 14, 2018:

Governor Tom Wolf has rejected a Republican-drawn congressional map designed to replace the one deemed unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court. The Democrat says the map is still too partisan–while the GOP maintains it follows the court’s order, saying the governor based his decision on that the map wouldn’t favor Democrats.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, with a Democratic majority, ruled last month that the current Congressional district map, drawn up by the Republican majority in the legislature, was gerrymandered to give Republican candidates an advantage in elections. In the court’s majority opinion, Justice Debra McCloskey Todd said that the state’s congressional district map violates voters’ rights to free and equal elections under the state constitution.

The Court gave the legislature until last Friday to come up with a new map and submit it Gov. Wolf, who had until Thursday to send it to the Court.  The Supreme Court will decide on their own map if they aren’t satisfied.

WITF’s Capitol Bureau Chief Katie Meyer appears on Wednesday’s Smart Talk to break down this complicated issue.

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Katie Meyer, WITF’s Capitol Bureau Chief

We also hear from the good government group Common Cause Pennsylvania which wants maps that are more reflective of the state’s diversity.

Executive Director Micah Sims joins us on the program.

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Micah Sims, Executive Director of Common Cause Pennsylvania