Road Trip to Farm Show

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What to look for on Smart Talk Friday, January 12, 2018:

Smart Talk is on the road Friday for a Smart Talk Road Trip to the Pennsylvania State Farm Show.

State Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding joins us on the program to discuss the state of farming in Pennsylvania.  Much of the discussion focuses on the challenges facing farmers across the state like milk prices and farmers making ends meet while relying on those prices and factors like the weather.  Earlier this week, President Trump addressed agriculture issues and we’ll follow up on what he said about federal policies toward farming.

Also, many more Pennsylvanians are making an effort to shop, buy and eat locally produced products, but especially foods.  The food is fresher, healthier and supports local farmers.  With that in mind, the South Central Pennsylvania Harvest Hub gathers and distributes local produce to local schools.  We’ll talk with the founder of the organization and participants about why local, fresh food is so important.

Pennsylvania leads the nation in the number of farms permanently preserved for agricultural production.  This ensures those farms will be producing food forever.  The family farm is also a great tradition in Pennsylvania.  The state has a Century and Bicentennial Farm Program to recognize farms that remain in a family for 100 or 200 years.

Two families join us.  Their ancestors lived on the same farm land since 1816 and 1864.