Child abuse reports way down, raising concern for kids

Children’s advocates are raising concerns about the sharp drop in child-abuse reports during the last year.

As schools and care-settings closed doors because of the pandemic, child-abuse reports dropped significantly. This has been attributed to kids spending more time at home and away from teachers and caregivers, who are often the first people to note potential problems and make the reports.

Are there other factors that could cause abuse case numbers to drop? Smart Talk Friday is joined by Jon Rubin, Deputy Secretary for the Human Services Department’s Office of Children, Youth and Families and Angela Liddle, President and CEO of the Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance who will share their insight to this issue.

To report suspected abuse, call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.

Local woman to swim English Channel

Jeannie Zappe on-board a support boat during an English Channel relay swim in 2017. Photo provided by Jeannie Zappe

Which is easier, running a marathon or swimming one? The answer is neither! Both are elite sporting events that require months of training, preparation and mental perseverance.

Open water marathon swimmer Jeannie Zappe, of Mechanicsburg, is no stranger to long-distance swims, having completed three of the top open water challenges as part of a relay. Now, she is training to solo swim the English Channel; considered by many to be the ultimate long distance challenge.

Zappe appears on Smart Talk Friday to share what it takes to prepare for the 21-mile swim from England to France.