Census 2020 process underway/Substance dependency-recovery during the holidays

Counting the entire population of the country, estimated at nearly 330 million people, is a massive undertaking and involves years of planning and preparation.

There is more than $800 billion in annual federal funding at stake. Money is allocated based on population numbers in each state, so accuracy matters. The last census in 2010 resulted in Pennsylvania receiving more than $39 billion through 55 federal spending programs.

Many Pennsylvanians have a lot of questions about the Census. Am I required to respond? How will my information be used and will it be safeguarded to protect my privacy? Could my answers be used against me someday?

Joining Smart Talk to address these and other questions are Norman Bristol Colon, executive director, Governor’s Census 2020 Complete Count Commission, Melissa Morgan, Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors, and Pennsylvania’s second lady Gisele Fetterman, Pennsylvania goodwill ambassador for Census 2020.


Justin Kocis

Melissa Morgan, Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors, Pennsylvania’s second lady Gisele Fetterman, and Norman Bristol Colon, executive director, Governor’s Census 2020 Complete Count Commission, appears on Smart Talk, November 11, 2019.

If you suspect census fraud please call 1-800 923-8282 or visit census.gov

Also, the most festive time of the year can also be the most stressful. Work and family demands contribute to stress and for people dealing with addictions, or in recovery, it can be an especially difficult time of year.

Joining Smart Talk to offer ways to navigate the holiday hazards are Gina Riordan, program supervisor for Drug Free Workplace PA, Graham Hetrick, Dauphin County Coroner, and Michael Boyer, education and advocacy coordinator for RASE Project, a recovery community organization.


Justin Kocis

Michael Boyer, education and advocacy coordinator for RASE Project, Graham Hetrick, Dauphin County Coroner, and Gina Riordan, program supervisor for Drug Free Workplace PA, appears on Smart Talk, November 25, 2019.

Here are 1o ways to avoid holiday addition relapses. For the full list, visit the everydayhealth.

1. Start Each Day With a Plan to Fend Off a Relapse

2. Evaluate Each Situation

3. Bring the Party With You

4. Know Your Triggers

5. Don’t Forget to Eat

6. Keep Stress Under Control

7. Distract Yourself

8. Rehearse Responses

9. Learn to Move Past Your Cravings

10. Lean on Your Support System