Cybersecurity; protecting yourself online


What to look for on Smart Talk Wednesday, January 2, 2019:

The 2018 holiday season set many sales records. According to industry analysts, it stacks up as the best holiday shopping season in six years with retail e-commerce exceeding 123 billion dollars.

Consumers are making more purchases online and every time they complete a transaction, they are trusting sellers to safeguard their financial information.

When in comes to online banking the stakes are high. Many Americans conduct all their banking without ever stepping foot in an actual bank.

There are plenty of bad guys out there trying to steal your money and banks spend billions of dollars annually on cybersecurity to counter the scammers, phishers and thieves.

How safe is your money and what can you do to protect your data and investments?

Appearing on Smart Talk to discuss cybersecurity is Dr. Terrill L. Frantz, Ph.D., Associate Professor of eBusiness and Cybersecurity, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology and Andrew Linn, PA Bankers Association and Chief Information Security Officer, Orrstown Bank.

Also joining the discussion is Andrew Goode, regional VP, Better Business Bureau, Metro Washington D.C. and Eastern Pennsylvania, to talk about reporting scams and safe business practices.

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Andrew Linn and Terrill Frantz